Join QCSportsNet’s Play-by-Play Workshop Here
WHO: QCSportsNet, THE live local sports leader
WHAT: First ever Play by Play Workshop!
WHEN: Sunday, August 7, Noon to 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Rooster’s Sports Bar & Grill
2130 3rd Ave., Rock Island, IL
WHY: To try your hand at play-by-play announcing,
whether you’re considering a career, or just for fun!
HOW: Interact with our team of professional
announcers and special guests, then put on the
headset yourself! Our experienced mentors will
coach you every step of the way!
WIN: You’re entered to win a game in the booth, either:
* with River Bandits broadcaster Kyle Kercheval; or
* at a Quad City Storm hockey game; or
* at a Quad Cities area high school football game
MORE: Go to QCSportsNet.com to sign up
Only $15, includes lunch from Rooster’s!